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Success Stories

Stories of resilience and success from the Learning Web

"The Learning Web has greatly impacted my life and has helped me from rock bottom. I am very appreciative for all the help.”
-Sam, Life Skills participant

Support for Sam and his family

Sam and his case manager worked together on individualized parenting education to help Sam increase his parenting skills. Sam is now working, living in his own place, and working on making it a home for him and his child.

Of his experience working with the Learning Web, Sam says, “My experience working with the Learning Web has helped me manage my child’s tantrums and manage my stress as well as having better communication with his mother."

"The Learning Web gave me an opportunity with a temporary apprenticeship doing landscaping with my current boss for the past 3 years."




"During my time at the Web I’ve seen how good this community is, but also how great it can be with the help of everyone within it."
-Nathi, Youth Exploration participant

Nathi finds a new community

Learning Web staff were there when 18-year-old Nathi needed help transitioning to a new life in Ithaca. Nathi would become an apprentice for the Volunteer Community Service Program (VCSP) over the summer, where he would gain valuable work experience. He says his continued participation in the Youth Exploration program has helped him become more connected to the community.

Nathi says, "My time at The Learning Web has allowed for me to play more of a role in my community. Whether it be volunteering at various locations, or time spent with children who form part of this community, I have been able to give back."

"The connections I’ve formed with The Learning Web have been quite mesmerizing. I’ve been fortunate enough to converse and question a world-renowned Ithaca College professor, volunteer at well-established institutions and workplaces, and meet influential figures within the Ithaca community."

“My experience has been positive and uplifting and if you’re feeling like no one is on your side, go to the LW. Go because they want to help and they are caring.”
-Sereniti, Life Skills participant

Sereniti found a place to call home

Finding a safe, affordable apartment can be challenging at any age, but especially for youth living on their own for the first time. We’re fortunate in Tompkins County to have subsidized housing resources like Family Unification Program vouchers (FUP), Emergency Services Grant (ESG), Solutions to End Homelessness Program (STEHP), Housing Choice vouchers (Section 8), affordable housing, and supportive housing complexes. However, filling out multiple applications and understanding the qualifications can feel overwhelming.

Learning Web Case Managers for both the Life Skills and Youth Outreach Programs assist dozens of participants with securing housing annually. For 20-year old Sereniti, securing a FUP voucher and an affordable apartment was just the first step, “Now that my housing is stable, I would say that I am learning how to save and budget and basically be a mature adult. I am still learning, which is why it’s nice to continue to have support from [my Case Manager] Rebekah.”

"Before I knew the Learning Web existed, I thought I was an oddity. Knowing that others like me existed I felt more comfortable with my situation."
-Jake, Learning Web participant

Jake connected with his community

Before receiving help from The Web, Jake was unsure of where to go and didn’t have a real place to stay. He knew he needed support and that having a steady place to stay would provide him with the stable foundation to acquire full-time work.

"At first I got free food and eventually a place to call home. I started an apprenticeship at Significant Elements which led to full-time employment. I reconnected with my community and learned the importance of networking. I really appreciated the opportunities to connect with students at Cornell about my experiences and going to conferences and speaking about the independent living survey. I got to meet and ask the mayor questions. It all inspired me to push forward." With Jake's resilience, hard work, and ability to ask for help, we know he has a bright future ahead.

"I want my daughter to be proud of me. I also learned things take time and good outcomes might not be overnight. I have become more patient."
-Desiree, Supporting Strong Families participant

Desiree & baby Malia found support

23-year-old Desiree sought services from the Learning Web as a young mom. She felt like she was running in circles and her Case Manager, Ryan, assisted by transforming goals into action. One of the biggest changes she experienced was becoming an advocate for herself. Desiree is grateful for the support, “I really appreciate having someone who encourages me but also will hold me accountable so that I achieve my goals.” 

In addition to obtaining life and parenting skills through this service, Desiree also secured a Section 8 voucher and moved into a safe, clean apartment with her new baby. Another bonus, her daughter is now enrolled in Head Start, giving Desiree peace-of-mind knowing her daughter is well cared for while Desiree is at work.